Free & easy site builder
A drag&drop site builder with a range of responsive free of charge themes.

With Web and Host Service, you will have access to a super easy to navigate site builder. It is truly easy to get the knack of and it offers an interface that can be immediately recognizable to anybody who has ever used an admin portal. The site builder offers a lot of different website themes which you could edit with a click and start a website to your liking. Also, each template is fully responsive, so your new site will look and feel amazing on all devices from the outset.
The site builder is an integral part of the Web and Host Service Online Control Panel, included with all Linux shared hosting plans, Linux VPS servers, Linux semi-dedicated plans, and dedicated web hosting plans packages.
An intuitive site builder
No technical skills are required
The key highlight of the Web and Host Service’s site builder is that it is really straightforward. It functions with content blocks which you can add, edit and reorder as you want. At any time, you could insert images and videos, start a diary, or get an e–shop on your site, all with just a mouse click.
You can do it all and construct a super cool website without ever having to pen even a single line of HTML or CSS, etc.
An array of easy–to–redesign designs
Super cool site designs that look perfect on any device
In order to make a good–looking site, you need a good infrastructure. For this reason, the Web and Host Service’s site builder has a vast selection of distinctive design themes, ideal for any sort of websites – individual pages, e–stores, forums, etc.
Each website design is easy to personalize, with multiple patterns, unique color options and included support for well over 100 different web fonts. You can change every one of these settings with just a click of the mouse. Plus, if at any time you want to switch your theme and opt for a different one, all tweaks you have completed will be moved over instantly.
In–built Help Center and how–to videos
Find out just how smooth it really is to launch a site
The Web and Host Service’s site builder features a very helpful help area where you can discover a variety of step–by–step articles and videos that are influenced by the most regularly asked questions by customers.
They can guide you if you have the desire to learn how to add a new page, how to change the color combinations of your website template, how to add a discussion portal module or even exactly how to switch your whole website template.
Plus, we will provide at your disposal a customer service team that is available to you at any moment, prepared to provide an answer to all of your questions.